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关于科比的英文演讲2017-08-04 21:55:24 | #1F 返回目录



科比·布莱恩特出生于1978年8月23日,美国国家篮球协会(NBA)全明星得分后卫,效力于洛杉矶湖人队。他在18岁时开始了自己的职业生涯,当时他成为联盟历史上最年轻的高中毕业球员。而在15年的时间里,他已经成为了这个联盟最好的球员。作为继迈克尔·乔丹之后最出色的得分后卫。 2006年他曾单场得到81分,次年他又连续四场50+。 2016年获得MVP,带领湖人重回巅峰。







关于科比·布莱恩特的英文演讲2017-08-04 21:56:53 | #2F 返回目录





科比·布莱恩特出生于1978年8月23日,美国国家篮球协会(NBA)全明星得分后卫,效力于洛杉矶湖人队。他在18岁时开始了自己的职业生涯,当时他成为联盟历史上最年轻的高中毕业球员。而在15年的时间里,他已经成为了这个联盟最好的球员。作为继迈克尔·乔丹之后最出色的得分后卫。 2006年,他曾单场得到81分。次年,他连续四场比赛得分超过50分。 2016年获得MVP,带领湖人重回巅峰。






















1999年11月,21岁的科比遇见了幕后舞者瓦妮莎。当时她只有17岁。当时科比正在录音室里制作他的音乐专辑。 2000 年 5 月,他们开始约会,当时瓦妮莎只是加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩玛丽娜高中六个月的学生。但迫于媒体压力,他最终通过自学完成了学业。据瓦妮莎的表弟莱拉·莱恩透露,他们之间没有签订婚前协议。瓦妮莎表示:没有人会比科比更爱她。

他们于 2001 年 4 月 18 日在加利福尼亚州达纳角结婚。 2003 年 1 月 19 日,科比夫妇的第一个孩子出生,女儿名叫娜塔莉亚·迪亚曼特·布莱恩特 (Natalia Diamante Bryant)。2005 年秋天,科比夫妇宣布他们即将迎来他们的第二个孩子。他们的第二个女儿吉安娜·玛丽亚·奥诺尔·布莱恩特 (Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant) 于 2006 年 5 月 1 日出生。有趣的是,吉安娜比前队友沙奎尔·奥尼尔 (Shaquille O'Neal) 出生在佛罗里达州的女儿 Me'arah Sanaa 早了 6 分钟。

他们于 2001 年 4 月 18 日在加利福尼亚州达纳角结婚。科比的第一个孩子是娜塔莉亚·戴蒙德·布莱恩特,出生于2003年1月19日。2005年底,科比表示他们即将迎来他们的第二个孩子。 2006年5月1日,他们的小女儿吉娜·布莱恩特出生。有趣的是,吉娜比科比前队友沙奎尔·奥尼尔的女儿梅阿拉·萨娜早出生6分钟。



科技英语演讲—科技与未来2017-08-04 21:56:25 | #3F 返回目录



科技创造未来,但未来掌握在我们手中。让我们成为知识的探索者,让我们在未知的道路上漫游,让我用我们的创造力让我们生活的世界变得更加美好。参考译文:在座 同学们,各位老师,大家好!今天我准备腾云驾雾,纪念在这里发表题为《科技与未来》的演讲,对此我感到非常自豪,但也有些不安。近年来,我们看到了伟大祖国、事业、科技的飞速发展。请允许我表达我对中国的巨大自豪。记住,很久以前,手机几乎只有一个应用程序,就是这么叫的,但是几年前,手机发生了很大的变化,不仅看起来更漂亮了,而且用途也更多了,你可以用手机拍照、开会、上网、发短信等等一系列的事情让我的生活变得更加方便,让我更加了解科技的力量,但我只是一个小鸟学生,而“科技”由于言语也有限,我无法用一些非常困难的理论来阐述技术,玄机无权获得他们前辈的工作,我可以为技术蓝图提供担保。但我愿意用学生的视角来创新技术和未来。从基因工程“成为生命王子”的梦想,到纳米技术“不洗衣服”的承诺,到人工智能“给你一只可爱的机器狗”的热情,到转基因技术的奇迹“让人长出老鼠耳朵”。这种新技术、新科技的诞生,会让人们欣喜若狂,因为这些新技术正在逐步改善我们的生活,让我们更加了解自己。不久的将来,中国完成了第一个SARS病毒的基因组测序,SARS是目前世界上公认的最大的危险疾病,但我们为什么不让其他国家第一次完成它,我们刚刚完成的国家呢?很简单,这说明我们国家落后,不如别人。回顾过去,我们刚刚开始一个国家的改革开放,目前的科技水平已经领先于一个大国。我们的祖国经历了一些风风雨雨。经历了多少困难和坎坷,但我们还是回到了我们的祖国,我们的祖国,因为我们坚信——不仅科技改变命运才能改变未来。我们这一代人,普遍的感情社会是一个竞争激烈的社会,学习一落千丈。科学知识是我们关注的焦点,爱因斯坦、霍金、比尔盖茨都是我的明星


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科比·布莱恩特出生于1978年8月23日,美国国家篮球协会(NBA)全明星得分后卫,效力于洛杉矶湖人队。他在18岁时开始了自己的职业生涯,当时他成为联盟历史上最年轻的高中毕业球员。而在15年的时间里,他已经成为了这个联盟最好的球员。作为继迈克尔·乔丹之后最出色的得分后卫。 2006年他曾单场得到81分,次年他又连续四场50+。 2008年,他获得了MVP,并带领湖人重回巅峰。






Kobe said “No matter what , just do not give up .Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve .”(无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。)

Kobe Bryant's story and experience tells us several reason :

1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.


2. Seize the opportunity when it comes up..


3. Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them. 你的家人也将永远在那里守候着你,所以要为他们而奋斗。

4. Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team.


5. People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.


6. Work your butt off.


These are several reasons wo can learn from him.

OK , after kobe’s hard working, let’s talk about kobe’s family next.

In November 1999, 21 year old Bryant met 17 year old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer. Bryant was in the building working on his debut musical album. At that time, Laine was still a senior at Marina High School. Then the two began dating and were engaged in May 2000 . Due to the media, she finished high school through independent study. According to Vanessa's cousin Laila Laine, there was no prenuptial agreement. Vanessa said Kobe "loved her too much for one".

1999年11月,21岁的科比遇到了作为一个幕后舞者的瓦妮莎,当时她只有17岁。当时科比在工作室做他的音乐专辑。而当时瓦妮莎只是一个在2000年5月刚进加州亨廷顿海滩marina高中六个月的学生,然后他们开始了约会。但是由于媒体的压力,他最终通过自学完成了学业。据瓦妮莎的表姐Laila Laine说他们之间没有婚前协议。瓦妮莎却说:没有人会比科比更爱她。

They married on April 18, 2001 in Dana Point, California. The Bryants' first child, a daughter named Natalia Diamante Bryant, was born on January 19, 2003. In the Fall of 2005 the Bryants announced that they were expecting their second child. Their second daughter, Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant, was born on May 1, 2006. Interestingly, Gianna was born 6 minutes ahead of former teammate Shaquille O'Neal's daughter Me'arah Sanaa, who was born in Florida.

他们于2001年4月18日在加州丹纳岬举行了婚礼。科比的第一个孩子是个名叫 纳塔利亚·戴蒙特·布莱恩特,出生于2003年一月19号。在2005年底的时候,科比说他们即将迎来他们的第二个孩子。在2006年5月1号,他们的小女儿吉娜·布莱恩特 出生了。而有趣的是,吉娜比科比的前队友奥尼尔的女儿Me'arah Sanaa,早出生6分钟。

Kobe is a basketball player , also a hunsband and father .let’s Let us bless his family and career will be more smooth and harmonious in the future .

OK , thank you for listening , that's all .


Good morning everyone!

Now the basketball is developing more and more fast. I like it very much! It gives me much happiness and a stout physique.while you are

playing basketball,you can make of what is the team spirit. That isbasketball's marrow!

At present Kobe Bryant is one of the best basketball players.He is was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant.And now he is in the L.A. Lakers,and being the key figure not declining to shoulder a responsibility.His ball skill is so miraculous.I like him so much!

I wish that he could win the finals champion this year!

That is all. Thank you everyone!


Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school. His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up. The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant. Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission to become a professional basketball player. He worked daily on his game, watching video, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father.

When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia, Kobe was a highly touted recruit. He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this. Kobe didn’t let anybody down either, as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year. He wouldn’t immediately be a superstar, though. Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe’s talents.Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level. He sold out the games everywhere he played during his junior and senior years and he didn’t disappoint anyone. He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school.

He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points. Kobe’s highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft.


dear students :

hello everyone !

black mamba is a deadly poisonous snakes have , why do i get this name? because once i entered the stadium , i was deadly , like the black mamba same. so the next scene , i can joke , but once i entered the stadium , i'll be like a new person , like , engrossed on the pitch.

i am now 35 years old, went to be the second half of his career, like some of the injured are also commonplace. once injured , you think the world stopped, regardless of knee injuries, shoulder injuries , and so on . i know a lot of people have ruined the whole career , and some people even depressed , can not even return to the stadium. when that moment happened, i would look at himself in the mirror , "said bryant , what would you ? if you experience such pain you what will happen ? " you know, every time i see someone hurt, i saw a lot of people come back after the injury , i looked at himself in the mirror muttering , "is not it quit ? should not stop playing it?" i do not know yet whether the return game. i sit here and tell you now , i want a full recovery back on the court . but i can not promise , because a lot of the time i still have some doubts , but i think , this is to meet the challenges of significance .

to seize every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone , to prove that you can meet the challenge. to those who say you can never succeed , you will fail to prove , and this is my opinion. if someone says you are the injured , to slump , and for me, if someone suffered this injury might quit , but kobe can not do this . others say it under your die, i would say that you so that you may quit . so i have to prove it to them , especially to my fans who support me , love , i have to win their own , to win the pain , can return to the game . so as to allow those who doubt me rethink what is the impossible becomes possible. the importance of these scars is reflected in here , these scars are my shift reflects growing .

as a player, i was born with a passion to succeed , you want to win. but also the most important thing in life the hardest thing . as a player , you want to go to the stadium to meet the biggest challenge , i think the biggest challenge is to bring people into the team like a man as to constantly , constantly win, this is the biggest challenge the team of athletic competition , this is exactly my passion . for me personally, the most important thing is to continue to meet the challenge, and never afraid of challenges is extremely important.

but more important to maintain a constant curiosity of things , such as how to play better , how to improve the skills , how what is learned from others . in fact, i grew up to now has been looking for factors that inspire me from all aspects , not just from the body of michael jordan , earvin magic johnson from the body, but also from michael jackson , beethoven, leonardo da vinci, bruce lee's body, these who gave me great motivation, let me forward, so this is the spirit of the black mamba . not that you have to constantly attack others , but to never stop you from moving forward . life is a life-long learning , so it is extremely important to keep learning . you have to keep learning , study and study again , and talk to people , to understand , to learn, and not feel that you know everything . the only way you can become a better person , in order to further improve your skills . finally, there will be a by-product , to become a champion , become better yourself. for me, this is the spirit of the black mamba , my source of spiritual lies. so if i am able to pass this spirit to all of you , whatever you want to do, to become a basketball player , a writer or a presenter, no matter what your dream is , you must adhere to the dream of success from the front people who learn from the experience and knowledge to the success of all walks of life , some of them have in common makes them stand out, be successful, this is what i want to convey to you today positive energy .


